Past Awards

Select year to jump to past awards
2024, 2023, 20222021, 20202019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003

2024 Awards

Research Grants

Michael D. Bailey (History)

Sarah Dees (Philosophy and Religious Studies)

Abby M. Dubisar (English)

Rachel Haywood (World Languages and Cultures)

Luana Lamberti Nunes (World Languages and Cultures)

Hugo Salgado (World Languages and Cultures)

Shenglan Zhang (World Languages and Cultures)

Digital Scholarship Research Grants

Rochelle Zuck (English)

Sinem Sonsaat Hegelheimer (English)

Symposium Grants

Annemarie Butler (Philosophy and Religious Studies)

Emily Morgan (Art and Visual Culture)

Jeremy Best (History)

2023 Awards

Research Grants

Ritwik Banerji (World Languages and Cultures) 
Evan Hume (Art and Visual Culture) Sonic Interventions: Digitally Altered Photographic Prints
Hans Klein-Hewett (Landscape Architecture) Rural Parks
Justin Remes (English) Duchamp and Cinema 
Olivia Valentine (Art and Visual Culture) Groundwork: İzmir after the 2020 Earthquake 
Raluca Lancu (Art and Visual Culture) The “Mokuhanga and Washi in Japan” 
Gregory Oakes (Music and Theatre) Quarter Tone-Extended Clarinet
Jeremy Withers (English) Birding English: Exploring the History of a Language through 50 Birds

Digital Scholarship Research Grants

Johnny DiBlasi (Art and Visual Culture) Transcoded Ecologies
Xavier Dapena (World Languages and Cultures) Streaming Wars: The New Hispanic TV Series

Symposium Grants

Alex Braidwood (Graphic Design) World Listening Day 2023 – A convening at Iowa State University 
Cruz Garcia (Architecture) From Landgrab to Landback: Architecture and Positions on Land 
Julie Stevens (Landscape Architecture) Trauma-Informed Design (TID)
Johnny DiBlasi (Art and Visual Culture) & Ingrid Lilligren (Art and Visual Culture) Beauty Investigated: Dilemmas, Projects and Promises Exhibition
Daejin Kim (Interior Design), Raluca Lancu (Art and Visual Culture), Jiwnath Ghimire (Community and Regional Planning) &  Patrick Finley (Graphic Design): The Spectrum of Innovation Symposium


2022 Awards

Research Grants

Travis Butler (Philosophy and Religious Studies) Wealth and Faction in Plato’s Laws
Yongyeon Cho (Interior Design) Wellness Design Guidelines and tools: Assessing User's Workspace Expectations
Xavier Dapena (World Languages and Cultures) Nobody Expects the Spanish Revolution: The Radical Imagination of Graphic Novels in Contemporary Spain
Bonar Hernández (History) Transnational Catholicism: Guatemala and the Vatican, 1939-1964
Christopher Hopkins (Music) Galilei Dialogues 
Daejin Kim (Interior Design) Meaning of Aging in Place to Older Korean Immigrants
Megan Myers (World Languages & Cultures) Daughters of the Diaspora: Reading Julia Alvarez and Edwidge Danticat 
Cristina Pardo-Ballester (World Languages & Cultures) Translating Spanish Comedic and Fantasy Genres into English
Robert Whitehead (Architecture) Otto, The Educator 

Digital Scholarship Research Grants

Alex Braidwood (Graphic Design) Mechanisms for Actualizing Speculative Soundscapes
Maurice Meilleur (Graphic Design) Digital fonts and diagrams for Jurriaan Schrofer: Under Construction
Jonathan Sharp (Music) “Chain of Command and the Development of Electronic Percussion Performance Practice”

Symposium Grants

Charlie Nagle (World Languages & Cultures) & John Levis (English) Second language speech learning: Balancing big data and individual learning trajectories
Simon Cordery (History) Peace and Justice Studies Association Annual Conference, 2023

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2021 Awards

Research Grants

Jeremy Best (History) Interwar Games: Strategy and Play in Germany, 1919-1933
Jeff Bremer (History) A New History of Iowa, 1673-2020
K.L. Cook (English) The Cyclical Imagination: Short Story Cycles, Linked Stories, and Novels-in-Stories
Mônica A. Haddad (Community and Regional Planning) Green jobs and climate justice in American cities
Julie E. N. Irish (Interior Design) 10 Years on: A Longitudinal Post-Occupancy Evaluation of a School for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Profound Disabilities
Jae-Hwa Lee (Interior Design) Articulating the essence of creative female designers
Charissa Menefee (English) Measure the Aquifer
Cason Murphy (Music & Theatre), Digital Residency
Gregory Robson (Philosophy and Religious Studies) Rethinking the Value of Human Populations: A Challenge to Parfit’s “Repugnant Conclusion”
Michèle A. Schaal (World Languages and Cultures; Women’s and Gender Studies) The Art of Genre- and Genderbending: Virginie Despentes’s Authorial Politics

Symposium Grants

Jeffrey Wheatley (PI), Sarah Dees (Philosophy and Religious Studies) Religion in Public

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2020 Awards

Research Grants

Sarah Dees (Philosophy and Religious Studies), The Materialization of Native American Religions
April Eisman (Art and Visual Culture), Angela Hampel: A Retrospective Exhibition
Firat Erdim (Architecture), The Kite Choir
Christopher Hopkins (Music and Theatre), Labyrinthine Dream-Fugues: a composition for microtonal pipe organ
Raluca Iancu (Art and Visual Culture), Mokuhanga in Japan
Kimberly Moss (Art and Visual Culture), A visual story of a little-known snow-colored butterfly as a bioindicator of climate change
Amy Rutenberg (History), A State Approaching Collapse: U.S. Army Responses to Draft and Military Counseling during the Vietnam War 

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2019 Awards

Research Grants

Charissa Menefee (English), Hertha’s Arc: An Electric Life
Cason Murphy (Theatre), Play On! Scholar-on-Site (Phase One)
Andrew Somerville (World Languages and Cultures), Reconstructing the Social Organization of the Pre-Hispanic Caxcan People of northwest Mexico
Jennifer Drinkwater (Art and Visual Culture), The What’s Good Project: Finding Evidence for Hope
Julie Courtwright (History), Windswept: A Great Plains History
K.L. Cook (English), The Sites of Trauma Tour: A Memoir-in-Essays
Rachel Meyers (World Languages and Cultures), Searching for Benefactors in Ancient Roman Tarraco
Laura Brown (English), Region and Remembrance: Public Memories of Civil Rights in Greensboro, North Carolina
Julia Dominguez (World Languages & Cultures), Cervantes and Memory in Early Modern Spain
Maggie LaWare (English), Be Bold and Dance on the Edge of the Roof: Voices and Visions of Leadership, Relationship, and Liberation in Commencement Addresses by Women at U.S. Women’s Colleges
Debra Marquart (English), Schizophonia: Notes on a Life in Music — An Acoustic Ecology
Gregory Oakes (Music), Musical Compositions for Microtonal Clarinet
Olivia Valentine (Art and Design), Mediate/Equivocate: An architectural scale installation project at the Des Moines Art Center

Symposium Grants

Kimberly Zarecor (Architecture), Learning from Socialism: Alternative Modernities in the Second World
Brad Dell (Theatre), HERoic: Gender Equity in the Arts
Michele Schaal (World Languages & Cultures), 10th Biennial International Women in French Conference Margins: Voices and Pathways

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2018 Awards

Research Grants

Joseph Muench, (Art and Visual Culture) Skin and Bones
Johnny DiBlasi, (Art and Visual Culture) Oscillations
Amanda Petefish-Schrag, (Theatre) Of the Deep: A new puppet play exploring ecology, mythology, and materiality
Justin Remes, (English) Found Footage Films

Symposium Grants

Lucia Suarez, (WLC) US Latino/a Studies Program 25 Year Anniversary

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2017 Awards

Research Grants

Amy Bix (History) Recruiting Engineer Jane and Astrophysicist Amy: American STEM Advocacy for Girls, 1965-2015
Ted Grevstad-Nordbrock (Community and Regional Planning) The Heritage of Diplomacy
Bonar Hernandez(History) Saving People, Not Souls: Religion, Community, and Politics during Guatemala’s Cold War
Tracy Lucht (Greenlee School of Journalism) Doing It Themselves: Theorizing Agency in the Careers of Midwestern Women Broadcasters, 1922–1972
Lawrence McDonnell (History) Chasing Dave: The Unbelievable Life of an American Scoundrel
Amy Rutenberg (History) Making Citizen-Civilians: Cold War Military Manpower Policy and the Origins of Vietnam Era Draft Resistance
Linda Shenk (English) The Role of the Humanities in the New Community-Engaged, Data-Driven Science
Matthew Sivils (English) The Seductive Land: Sexuality and the American Environmental Fantasy, 1787–1881
Elanor Taylor (Philosophy) Free Thinking
Olivia Valentine (Art and Design) Between Systems and Grounds: A Generative, Sonic Textile Construction and Installation System
Stacey Weber-Feve (World Languages & Cultures ) Restaging Comedy: Comic Play and Performance in Women’s Contemporary Cinema in France
Andrea Wheeler (Architecture) A New Ecological Aesthetics of Nature in Architecture
Jeremy Withers (English) The Wheels of Chance: A New Edition

Symposium Grants

Revolutions in the History of Early Modern Philosophy and Science (Summer 2018). David Marshall Miller (Philosophy and Religious Studies)

Planning Grants

Chiu-Shui Chan (Architecture)
Kathleen Hilliard (History)
Pamela Riney-Kehrberg (History)

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2016 Awards

Research Grants

Jeremy Best (History) Mission Culture at Home: Popularizing the Heavenly Empire
Brianna Burke (English) Indian Summer: Growing Up in the American Indian Hobbyist Culture
Christine Carr (Art and Visual Culture) A Photographic Perspective on Airborne Particulates
K.L. Cook (English) Shakespeare West (a novel)
Patrick Connolly (Philosophy and Religious Studies) Untitled
Mira Engler (Landscape Architecture) Facing Color, Predicaments in Landscape Architecture
Firat Erdim (Architecture) Peregrine Projections: Camino de Santiago
Nell Gabiam (Anthropology) Palestinian Refugees Displaced by the War in Syria
Cindy Gould (Art and Visual Culture) Elsa Sreenivasam: Pioneering American Textile Researcher in India and the Formative Years of the Surface Design Association in the U.S.A.
Paul Griffiths (History) Tudor Vice: Prostitution and Sexuality in Elizabethan London
Brent Holland (Art and Visual Culture) Seeing Fast and Seeing Slow: 15 Mixed Media Artworks
Michael Christopher Low (History) Drinking the Sea: The United States, the Middle East, and the Globalization of Desalination Technology
Emily Morgan (Art and Visual Culture) Picturing Packing: Photographs of the Meatpacking Industry in Chicago Collections
Kate Padgett-Walsh (Philosophy & Religious Studies) The Ethics of Debt
Amanda Petefish-Schrag (Music & Theatre) A new play: A Study of Light
Justin Remes (English) Absence in Cinema
Benjamin Shirtcliff (Landscape Architecture) Socially Open Urban Landscape
Austin Stewart (Art and Visual Culture) Critical Contemplations: The Fountain

Symposium Grants

Science Communication: Confronting the challenges of public participation in environmental, planning and health decision-making (Summer 2016). Jean Goodwin (Speech Communication), Michael Dahlstrom (Journalism and Communication), Dara Wald (Journalism and Communication) Collaborators: Kathleen P. Hunt (Ag Ed & Studies, CALS), Alenka Poplin (Community & Regional Planning, Design) and S. Scott Graham (English, University of Milwaukee)

What is The Urban? An Inquiry into the Spaces, Places and Politics of a World Interior (Spring 2016). Ross Exo Adams (Architecture), Barbara Ching (English), Jane Rongerude (Community and Regional Planning), Max Viatori (Anthropology)

The Ethics of Debt (Fall 2015). William Carter (World Languages and Culture), Kate Padgett-Walsh (Philosophy and Religious Studies). Collaborators: David Hollander (History) and Kevin Amidon (World Languages and Culture).

Coding Design/Designing Code: A meeting of creative technologists (Fall 2017). Caroline Westort (Landscape Architecture) and Alex Braidwood (Art and Visual Culture)

Planning Grants

Kevin Amidon (World Languages and Cultures)
James Andrews (History)

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2015 Awards

Research Grants

Amy Bix (History) Engineer Barbie as Role Model?: American Childhood, Play, and Evolving Ideas about Gender and Technical Careers, 1913-2013
Brianna Burke (English) Dangerous Divisions: Race, Class, and Animality in Environmental Justice Fiction
Richard Benjamin Crosby (English) Persuasive Haunts: Kairos, Place, and Memory in the American Rhetorical Tradition
April Eisman (Art History) Women Artists in East Germany: Angela Hampel and the Contradictions of “Equality” in a Communist State
Marwan Ghandour (Architecture) Mapping Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon
Barbara Haas (English) Nature Conquered, River Tamed: The Neva River Delta at Saint Petersburg
Luke LeFebvre (English) The Meaning of Student Self-generated Feedback from Video: Linguistic Predictors of Public Speaking Performance
Tonglu Li (World Languages and Cultures) The Issues of Belief and Violence in Mo Yan’s Novels
Charissa Menefee (English) How Long is Fifteen Minutes? A Full Length Stage Play
Constance J. Post (English) Making Revolution: Isabel Brown Crook and the Rise of Modern China
Michèle A. Schaal (English/Women’s Studies) Une troisième vague féministe littéraire (A Literary Third Wave of Feminism)
Austin Stewart (Integrated Studio Arts) Horizon Line
Elanor Taylor (Philosophy) Groups and Oppression
Robin Globus Veldman (Philosophy and Religious Studies) American Evangelicalism and the Denial of Climate Change

Symposium Grants

Ross Exo Adams (Architecture)
Barbara Ching (English)
Jane Rongerude (Community and Regional Planning)
Max Viatori (Anthropology)
for a national symposium on “What is The Urban? An Inquiry into the Spaces, Places and Politics of a World Interior”
William Carter (World Languages and Culture)
Kate Padgett-Walsh (Philosophy and Religious Studies) for a national symposium on “The Ethics of Debt” (Fall 2015)
Collaborators: David Hollander (History) and Kevin Amidon (World Languages and Culture).

Planning Grants

Michael Bailey (History)
Brian Behnken (History)

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2014 Awards

Research Grants

Alex Braidwood (Graphic Design)Listening in the Megacity, Noise Inquiries of Densely Populated Urban Environments
Jeff Bremer (History) Frontier Iowa: A Social History
Jelena Bogdanovic (Architecture, College of Design) Invocations of Byzantium in Avant-Garde Architecture: Geotheanum and Zeniteum
Travis Chilcott (Philosophy and Religious studies.) The Transformative Path of Krsna Bhakti: The Cognitive Dynamics of Religious Experiences in the Gaudiya vaisnava Tradition
Julie Courtwright (History) Nothing But the Air, But Such an Air!’: The Windy Plains of the West”
Abby M. Dubisar (English) Country Women of the World, Unite!: Ruth Buxton Sayre’s International Peace Activism”
Emily Godbey (Art and Design) Currier and lives: Fires and Wrecks
Bethany Gray (English) Communicating Scholarly Activity in the Humanities and Social Sciences: The rhetorical structure of theoretical and Qualitative Research Articles
April Katz (Integrated Studio Arts) Cutting Through It: The Poetics of Technology
Christopher Martin (Integrated Studio Arts) The Ashanti Stool Series: Symbol, Metaphor, or Just Blank Canvas
Kate Padgett Walsh (Philosophy and Religious Studies) The Ethics of Debt and Default: A Hegelian Approach
Diane Shihabi (Interior Design) Character Types and Beaux-Arts Interiors: Evincing an Obscure French Academic Architectural Code of Design Through Monumental American Capitols

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2013 Awards

Research Grants for Assistant and Associate Professors

Raluca Cozma (Greenlee School of Journalism and Mass Communication) The Twitter Political Conversation Between Presidential Candidates and Potential Voters in the 2012 Primaries
April Eisman (Art and Design) Women Artists in East Germany: Angela Hampel and the Contradictions of “Equality” in a Communist State
Rachel Haywood Ferreira (World Languages and Cultures) Argentine Science Fiction in the Era of the Global Space Age
Monica A. Haddad (Community and Regional Planning) Examining Social Protection and Decent Work in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Gregory Oakes (Music and Theatre) TuvaTronic: Clarinet + Voice + Computer
Teresa Paschke (Integrated Studio Arts) Creating Global Connections: The Influence of Globalization on the Material and Visual Culture of Contemporary China
Sela Sar (Greenlee School of Journalism and Mass Communication) Semiotic Analysis of Imagery in Print Ads and Public Service Campaigns About Genetically Modified Crops in the Late 1990s
Timothy S. Wolters (History) The U.S. Navy’s Development of Combat Information Systems in World War II

Planning Grant

Christopher Hopkins (Music and Theatre)

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2012 Awards

Seed Grants for Collaborative Work

Elisa Rizo, (Spanish)
Madeleine Henry, (Classical Studies)
“On the Other Side of Atlantis: Classica Africana in the Afro-Hispanic Diaspora.”

Research Grants for Assistant and Associate Professors

David Alexander (Philosophy and Religious Studies), Basic Knowledge and Reflective Defeat
Jana L. Byars (History), Courtiers & Conquistadors: Masculinity and Male Friendship in the Early Modern Mediterranean World
Richard Benjamin Crosby (English), Cathedral of Kairos: Rhetoric in Sacred Space
Melissa A. Deininger (World Languages and Cultures), National Identity in French Literature at Moments of Crisis
Kathleen M. Hillard (History), A Double-Minded Man: Making Mastery on Silver Bluff Plantation, 1844-1857
Christopher Hopkins (Music and Theatre), Sculpting Sound Space: Merging Ambisonics and Tactile Virtual Environments for Music Composition
John Monroe (History), Empire, Ngritude and the Idea of “Primitive Art” in France and French West Africa, 1931-1937
Joe Muench (Art and Design), “Test Series”
Benjamin Percy (English), The Mission (creative non-fiction/memoir)
Jane M. Rongerude (Community and Regional Planning), Still HOPEing for Change: Implications of the Current Economic Crisis on the People-based Strategies of Public Housing Redevelopment in San Francisco

Small Grants for Senior Faculty

Carol Chapelle, (English), The Evolution of Canadian Content in Three Decades of French Language Textbooks
Charles Dobbs (History), Research Trip: Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario

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2011 Awards

Seed Grants for Collaborative Work

Jean Goodwin (English)
Michael Dahlstrom (Journalism and Mass Communication)
Kevin deLaplante (Philosophy and Religious Studies)
“Promoting Ethical and Effective Communication of Science in Policy Controversies”
Deborah Satterfield (Graphic Design)
Sunghyun Kang (Art and Design)
Anson Call (Art and Design)
Steve Herrnstadt (Art and Design)
“Play IT: Educational Play Experiences for Children with Cognitive and Physical Disabilities”
Mary Swander (English)
Dennis Chamberlin (Journalism and Mass Communication)
“Vang: Documenting Immigrant Farmers”

Research Grants for Assistant and Associate Professors

Kevin Amidon (World Languages and Cultures), International Theoretical Biology in the Developing World: Adolf Meyer-Abich in Latin America, 1929-1955
Grant Arndt (Anthropology), “Cosmopolitan Indians: Postwar Institution Building and the Creation of an Urban Indigenous Identity” at Chicago’s American Indian Center
Nikki Bado (Philosophy and Religion), Ritual Praxis and the body of Belief: Exploring Folk Praxis of the Shikoku Pilgrimage
Dean Bakopoulos (English), “My American Unhappiness”
Brian Behnken (History), Brown and Blue: Mexican Americans, Law Enforcement, and Civil Rights
Chad Gasta (World Languages and Cultures), Transatlantic Arias: Early Opera in Spain and the New World
Elisa Rizo (World Languages and Cultures), Equatorial Guinean Theatre: From National and Transnational Cultural Politics to Aesthetics of Liberation
Jonathan Tsou (Philosophy and Religion), DSM and the Exclusion of Etiology: An Argument for a Casual System of Psychiatric Classification
Kate Padgett Walsh (Philosophy and Religion) Hegel and the Ethics of Love
Stacey Weber-Feve (World Languages and Cultures) Framing Meaning and Genre: Contemporary Animation and Graphic Novels in France

Small Grants for Senior Faculty

Mira Engler (Landscape Architecture, Scaping the City: Gordon Cullen in Perspective, 1947-1959
Steven Herrnstadt (Graphic Design), Incision – Interactive Metal Sculptures and Objects
Ingrid Lilligren (Integrated Studio Arts), Relationships: Integrated Studio Arts Faculty Exhibitions at the Brunnier Art Museum
Lulu Rodriguez(Journalism and Mass Communications), “Advertising Education and Training in thePhilippines

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2010 Awards


Carlton Basmajian (Community and Regional Planning), The Battle of the Northern Arc: Infrastructure and Politics in Metropolitan Atlanta, 1980-2004
Katherine Bruna (Curriculum and Instruction), No Man’s Land: A Border Odyssey
David Bulla (Greenlee School of Journalism), “An Uncivil Press: The Tumultuous Journalism of the Civil War Era
Dennis Chamberlin (Greenlee School of Journalism), Voices of the Immigrant Experience
Julia Dominguez (World Languages and Cultures), “Imaginary Cartographies: The Creation of Utopian Spaces in the Age of Discovery”
April Eisman (Art and Design), Neo Rauch and the New Leipzig School in Context
Matthew G. Hill (Anthropology), New Deal Archaeology in Wisconsin
Lee Honeycutt (English), “The Moral Equivalent of War”: Presidential Language in American Energy Politics
Christopher Hopkins (Music), The Dream Labyrinth: composition for pipe organ and adaptive virtual instruments
Margaret LaWare (English), Speaking to America’s College Women: Changing Perspectives on Women’s Lives, Work and Leadership in Post WWII America
Kathy Leonard (World Languages and Cultures), Fists of Steel, Tears of Silver: An Anthology of Bolivia’s Mining Literature Featuring Women
Ben Percy (English), After
Pamela Riney-Kehrberg (History), Along the Highline: Children’s Experiences of an Urban Wild Space
Gerardo Sandoval (Community and Regional Planning), Planning and Latino Communities in Small-Town-America
Matthew Sivils (English), A Critical Edition of James Fenimore Cooper’s The Chainbearer
Maximilian Viatori (Sociology), Histories on the Margin: Indigenous Responses to the Ecuador-Peru Border Conflict
David Wilson (History and Philosophy), “The Man Who Invented the Word Scientist: William Whewell, Victorian Omniscient

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2009 Awards


Annemarie Butler (Philosophy and Religious Studies), Hume’s Naturalistic Account of Philosophical Belief in External Objects
Jane Dusselier [with Tobie Matava] (Anthropology), An Online Resource Center for the Study of Japanese American Internment Art
Paul Griffiths (History), Knowing England: Disciplining & Documenting Individuals, 1500-1700
Heidi Hohmann (Landscape Architecture), A Scenic and Civic Hydrology: History of the Minneapolis Park System
Jeffrey Houghtby (History), Common Land and Community in Early Modern Burgundy, 1500-1793
Thomas Leslie (Architecture), A Combination of Strength and Beauty: The role of Building Technology in the Transformation of the ‘Chicago Style’ 1904-1934
Olga Mesropova (World Languages and Cultures), Humor in Transition: Russian Monologue Comedy from Gorbachev to Putin
John Monroe (History), Metropolitan Fetish: African Sculpture, France, and the Invention of ‘Primitive Art’
Gregory Oakes (Music), Non-Western Influences on Contemporary Solo Clarinet Music
Teresa Paschke (Art and Design), The Influence of Globalization on Ornamental Styles and Surface Patterns
Leland Poague (English), ‘Tell Me the Story So Far’: Hitchcock and His Writers
Tanya Zanish-Belcher (Library), ‘Women’s Archives Reader’ and ‘Biological Identities: Reproductive Issues in U.S. Archival Collections’
Kimberly Zarecor (Architecture), Manufacturing a Socialist Modernity: The Architecture of Industrialized Housing in Early Postwar Czechoslovakia

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2008 Awards

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Award

Barbara Walton (Art and Design)
Tong Wang (Food Science and Human Nutrition)
“Modifying Soywax for Encaustic Painting and Comparing it to Traditional Encaustic Painting Waxes”


Kevin Amidon (World Languages and Cultures), The Applied Science of Cultural Value: Eugen Fischer, Biological Mendelism, and the Invention of Apartheid
Michael Bailey (History), Superstition in the Late Middle Ages: A Crisis of Belief
Amy Bix (History), Creating “Chicks Who Fix”: Women, Technical Knowledge, and Home Repair, 1920-2007
Paula Curran (Art and Design), A Designing Woman’s Guide to Typographic Terms, Paper Selection, Commercial Printing, and Other Designing Endeavors
April Eisman (Art and Design), Neo Rauch and the “New Leipzig School” in Context
Jean Goodwin (English), Dilemmas of Expertise: The Rhetorical Design of Appeals to Authority in Sustainable Agriculture
Michael Golec (Art and Design), Networks of Power: Rural Electrification and the Art of Marketing Electricity
Rachel Haywood-Ferreira (World Languages and Cultures), The Emergence of Latin American Science Fiction
David Hollander (History), Dependency and Self-Sufficiency in the Greco-Roman Household
Ingrid Lilligren (Art and Design), Accumulations: Crystalline Glazes on Ceramic Sculpture
Sara B. Marcketti (AESHM), Design Piracy: Examination of Design Patents from 1890 to 1941
Chrisy Moutsatsos (Anthropology/Women’s Studies), Global Gaze, Local Bodies: An Ethnography of Consumption and Femininity in Urban Greece
Constance Post (English), Observations on the Real Rights of Women and Other Writings of Hannah Mather Crocker (scholarly edition)
Mary R. Sawyer (Philosophy and Religious Studies), The Black Church Since 1968: Forty Years of Wilderness
Linda S. Shenk (English), Elizabeth I, Learned Queen: Sovereignty, Court Poetry, and International Politics
Kristin Vander Lugt (World Languages and Cultures), The Return of the Haunted Screen: The German Horror Film after 1945

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2007 Awards

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Award

Mark Bryden (Mechanical Engineering)
Christopher Hopkins (Music & Theatre)
“Mapping Sound to 3-D Virtual Materials: A Real-time Touch Sensitive Instrument for Virtual Engineering and Electroacoustic Music”


James T. Andrews (History), Modernity’s Metropolitan: Public Space, Socialist Iconography, and the Politics of Showcase Architecture in Stalin’s and Khrushchev’s Times
Dennis Chamberlin (Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication), Soma
Brent Holland (Art and Design), 50 Self-Portraits: Painting Points of Intersection Between Cultures and Traditions
Joseph Kupfer (Philosophy and Religious Studies), Autonomy and the Ethics of Care
Wei-Cheng Lin (Art and Design), Building a Sacred Mountain: Buddhist Monastic Architecture at Mt. Wutai, China, during the Tang Dynasty, 618-907 C.E.
Debra Marquart (English), The Olive Harvest: A Novel
Margaret Mook (World Languages and Cultures), Storage and Status in the Early Greek City: Archaic Cretan Relief Pithoi
Aili Mu (World Languages and Cultures), Moments of Truth: The Short-shorts Phenomenon in China
Neil Nakadate (English), Understanding Jane Smiley, 2d ed.
Maya Socolovlsky (English and Latino Studies), Specters of Memory: Place, History, and Narrative in Contemporary U.S. Latino Literature
David Wilson (History), The Man Who Invented the Word Scientist: William Whewell, Victorian Omniscient
Laura Winkiel (English), Statelessness: Global Narratives of Belonging and Unbelonging
Susan Yager (English), Neville Coghill’s Translation of Chaucers’ Canterbury Tales

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2006 Awards

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Awards

Adela Licona (English, Women’s Studies)
Marta Maldonado (Sociology, Latino/a Studies)
Nana Osei-Kofi</strong (Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Ferrucio Trabalzi(Community and Regional Planning)
“Globalization and Place-Making in Perry, Iowa: Planning an Exploratory Sociospatial Analysis”
Kevin de Laplante (Philosophy and Religious Studies)
Arnold van der Valk (Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology)
“Holism and Reductionism in Theories of Ecological Change”


Leland L’Hote (World Languages and Cultures) Queer Representation in Spanish Cinema of the Post-Franco Era
Daniel Naegele (Architecture) Frank Lloyd Wright’s Lowell Walter House
Diane Price-Herndl (English) Breast Cancer as Metaphor
Pamela Riney-Kehrberg (History) Rural Poverty and Rural Adaptation: Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, 1870-1930
Matthew Stanley (History) Huxley’s Church and Maxwell’s Demon: Constructing the Limits of Science
Ames Piano Quartet: Mahlon Darlington, Bill David, Jonathan Sturm, George Work (Music) Recording of Six English Piano Quartets
Charles Dobbs (History) Trade and Diplomacy: The United States and East Asia, 1961-1969
Emily Godbey (Art and Design) Modern Relics and the Worship of Technology
Sara Gregg (History) Contested Commons: Subsistence Farms, the New Deal, and the Creation of a Federal Landscape in Appalachia
Carl Herndl (English) Rhetorical Citizenship and Social Change: Can Scientists also Speak as Citizens?
Chris Martin (Art and Design) The Development of a Body of Work Inspired by Czech Cubism
Olga Mesropova (World Languages and Cultures) Heroines of the Post-Soviet Screen: Women in Post-Soviet Film and Television
Joe Muench (Art and Design) Innovative Large-Scale Metal Forming
Jean Parsons (AESHM/Textiles and Clothing) Shape and Transformation: The Geometry of Apparel Design
Leonard Sadosky (History) Revolutionary Negotiations: Indians, Empires, and Diplomats in the Founding of America
Kimberly Elman Zarecor (Architecture) An Architect’s Journey from Modernism to Socialist Realism: Reassessing the Life and Work of Jiri Kroha

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2005 Awards

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Awards

Diane Debinski, (Ecology Evolution & Organismal Biology)
James Pritchard (Landscape Architecture, Natural Resource Ecology & Management)
“Marshes & Muskrats, People & Places: The Landscape of Paul Errington’s Work”
Cindy Cambardella (National Soil Tilth Lab / Agronomy)
Ashley Kyber (Landscape Architecture)
“Squaw Creek Biodynamic Flowform Prototype”


Kevin Amidon (Foreign Languages and Literatures), The Diagnosis of Difference: Persuasive Practice and the Problems of Biology, Germany 1860-1945
Michael Bailey (History), Magic and Superstition in European History
Amy Bix (History), American Engineering Education for Women
Carol Chapelle (English), Technology and Second-Language Pedagogies
Christopher Curtis (History), Jeffersons Chosen People: Freeholders and the Politics of Land Ownership in the Old Dominion, 1776-1860
Lisa Fontaine (Art and Design), The Design of Symbolic Forms
Marwan Ghandour (Architecture), The Cultural Formation of Iowa’s Landscape
April Katz (Art and Design), Passages: Printmaking to Depict Time and Memory
Kathy Leonard (Foreign Languages and Literatures), Women of Silver and Tin: The Forgotten Miners of Bolivia
Laura Mielke (English), Moving Encounters: Sympathy and the Indian Question in Antebellum Literature
Clare Robinson (Architecture), The Politics, National Imaginary, and Spatial Practices surrounding the Kent State May 4 Memorial
Daniel Sipe (Foreign Languages and Literatures), Culture, Society, and the Search for Utopia in Fin-de-Siècle France

Research and Creative Activity Grants

Brett Bowles (Foreign Languages and Literatures) Research-related travel expenses for book on the films of Marcel Pagnol
Mira Engler (Landscape Architecture) Research-related travel expenses for “Postnuclear Landscape” book proposal
David Hollander (History) Research-related travel expenses for “Self-Sufficiency and Agriculture in the Roman Economy”
Teresa Paschke (Art and Design) Travel and exhibition expenses for “Submersed: Contemporary Altered Books
Jeffrey Prater (Music) Travel expenses and soloist honoraria for performance of Veni Creator Spiritus in Kaliningrad, Russia
Mary Stieglitz (Art and Design) Partial production costs for book-proposal mock-up of Full Circle

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2004 Awards

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Award

Carla Fehr (Philosophy and Religious Studies)
Carolyn Komar (Animal Science)
“Ovarian Authority: Credibility of Women Studying Female Reproduction”


Jackie Blount (Curriculum and Instruction) Ella Flagg Young’s Theoretical and Practical Contributions to the Educational Enterprise
James Bovinette (Music), The Art of Phrasing: Origins, Influences, and Contemporary Performance
Chiu-Shui Chan (Architecture) Creating Virtual Reality for Arts and Design in Humanities
Daniel Coffey (Libraries) Creative Writing Resources
Heimir Geirsson (Philosophy)Who Knows? Individuals as Epistemic Agents
Michael Golec (Art and Design, Architecture) Advertising, Ordinary Language, and the Public Sphere
Cindy Gould (Art and Design) “Aspects of India” Exhibition and Symposium
Paul Griffiths (History) Lost Londons: Crime, Control, and Change in a Capital City, 1545-1660
Margaret R. LaWare (English), Words for Composing an Educated Woman’s Life
Tom Leslie (Architecture), Building Art and Building Science in the Work of Louis I Kahn
Xiaoyuan Liu (History) Reins of Liberation: An Entangled History of Mongolian Independence, Chinese Territoriality, and Great Power Hegemony, 1911-1950
Igor Marjanovic (Art and Design; Architecture) Interdisciplinary Design Education and Interactive Visual Media in the Work of Alvin Boyarsky
John Monroe (History) Satanic France: Leo Taxil, the Popular Press, and the Transformation of French Catholicism
Teresa Paschke (Art and Design) Women’s Studio Workshop: Techniques in textile printing, papermaking, and the book arts
Jonathan Sturm (Music) Arrangement of Encores for the Ames Piano Quartet
Mary Swander (English) The Girls on the Roof: A Narrative Poem
Susan Yager (English) An Ethical Approach to Chaucer’s Clerk’s Tale
David Zimmerman (English) The Deep Moans Round: A Novel

Research and Creative Activity Grants

Mary Cresswell (Music) Travel expenses to perform with the American Chamber Players
Kevin de Laplante (Philo/Religious Studies) Travel expenses to an interdisciplinary workshop of ecologists and philosophers of ecology on the theory of succession
Pamela Riney-Kehrberg (History) Publication expenses for a book on the history of farm children in the American Midwest

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2003 Awards

Research and Creative Activity Grants

Janice Baker (Health and Human Performance), Research-related expenses for Ashes to AshesDance Driving
James Dow (Foreign Languages and Literatures), Travel expenses for guest residency at the University of Bremen
April Katz (Art and Design), Expenses for the production of a limited-edition artist’s book
Patricia Leigh (Curriculum and Instruction), Research-related travel expenses for Fly in the Ointment: School Segregation and Desegregation in the Ohio Valley
James McGlew (Foreign Languages and Literatures), Travel expenses for a presentation at a conference in Cardiff
Leland Poague (English), Publication expenses for Frank Capra: Interviews
Connie Post (English), Travel and research-related expenses to do archival research in Boston on Hannah Mather Crocker
Barbara Walton (Art and Design), Travel and research-related expenses for an encaustic workshop

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