Welcome to spring semester 2023!
We have an exciting spring semester planned at the Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities (CEAH). As ever, we will continue our mission to provide support and programs that strengthen the productivity, impact, and visibility of faculty research across the arts, design, and humanities. With that in mind, please note that the spring deadline for grant applications is February 10. I strongly encourage tenure-line faculty working in the humanities, broadly conceived, to explore all CEAH funding opportunities.
This semester the CEAH will pursue new partnerships, as well as continue existing collaborations with a variety of campus units such as the ISU College of Design’s Institute for Design Research and Outreach (IDRO), the ISU Library’s Department of Digital Scholarship and Initiatives, and University Museums.
Last semester we were fortunate to secure a physical space for CEAH in the Parks Library (room 084), and this semester we will begin to use this space to hold workshops, to host faculty learning communities, and to collaborate with each other in a variety of other ways that will forward our research goals.
Additionally, we are proud to announce that this year’s Benson Memorial Lecture will be delivered by renowned literary scholar, Dr. Hester Blum. Dr. Blum’s talk will take place on March 30, 2023 7-9pm in Curtiss 0127. We’ll soon share further details about this exciting event. So save the date, and watch this space for more information!
And we have yet even more good news. I’m happy to announce that Noémi Tihanyi recently joined the CEAH team as our Administrative Assistant. We are grateful to have Noémi on board as a key figure in supporting the CEAH mission.
As always, the CEAH will continue to offer support that fuels distinctive interdisciplinary scholarship while also cultivating relationships between faculty, campus stakeholders, and communities both in Iowa and beyond.
We at CEAH wish you a productive and rewarding spring semester.
Matthew W. Sivils, Director