On October 14 and 15, 2024, Iowa State University will host a public symposium, “Pathways of Persecution: Dispossession and Violence in Europe and on the Great Plains.” Guests from across the region will gather to lead discussions and engage with the Iowa State community on historical and cultural patterns of racialized violence. Events include a teaching panel, roundtable, and keynote panel – additional details can be found at the symposium website: Pathways to Persecution.
Co-hosted by Iowa State and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, all events are offered with a public audience in mind. The sessions offer excellent opportunities for extra credit for students and there will be multiple opportunities to connect with the guest speakers. The events include:
- Challenging Topics in the Classroom: College Perspectives for All Educators (Teaching Panel, Monday, October 14, 6-7:30 PM, Gerdin 0145)
- Teaching Lasting Hate: Persecution and Education in the Modern Era (Roundtable, Tuesday, October 15, 3:30-5:00 PM, Stepatorium, Student Innovation Center)
- Criminalizing Difference in the Holocaust and Beyond: Jews, Roma, and Native Peoples of the U.S. and Canada (Keynote Panel, Tuesday, October 15, 6-7:30 PM, Sun Room, Memorial Union)
The guest speakers are also available for classroom visits, please contact Amy Rutenberg (arutenbe@iastate.edu) in the Department of History if you are interested in having one of our guests speak to your students.
Finally, faculty are cordially invited to a casual luncheon with symposium participants on October 15 at 12:00-1:30 PM in the Student Innovation Center, Room 1118. RSVP by registering at Faculty Luncheon RSVP.